Consent & confidentiality

Our Advocacy services are free, independent and confidential. Consent and confidentiality are vital parts of the advocacy process. Consent is getting your permission to talk to others about you and your circumstances, and to hold certain information about you for a time. Confidentiality is our promise not to share your personal information.


Before we work together, we’ll need your agreement to allow us to talk to others about your personal circumstances and keep certain information about you. If you are able, we’ll ask you to sign some forms. These will be an authority to share form (to show you’re happy for us to speak to people about you), and a consent form (to give us permission to keep information about you). We can talk through this with you if you have any concerns, and might be able to accept verbal consent.   


As an advocacy service, we will respect your confidentiality.

We won’t share your personal information without your permission – unless we’re concerned about the risk of harm to you or others. In this case, we will tell you as soon as this happens.

You have a right to see any personal information Rethink Advocacy holds of yours. Read our Confidentiality Policy for more information, and do ask your advocate or contact us if you’re not clear about any of it.

What the service can and can’t do

Our advocacy service is independent from social services and the NHS, but your advocate will communicate with them on your behalf if you want him or her to. Advocates provide information and can raise issues and complaints on your behalf.

Advocates can also represent someone’s views and interests without their instruction if that person is not able to make important decisions about his or her own medical treatment, or other circumstances.

Advocates do not provide advice, befriending, counselling or legal services. But they can suggest other services that may be able to help.


We will treat you with respect and dignity.

We will not take actions that disempower you.

Any verbal or physical threats are unacceptable, and we have the right to withdraw from the advocacy relationship if this happens.

Feedback and complaints

We’re always keen to receive feedback. Among other things, it tells us what’s working well and what needs to be improved. You can talk to your advocate directly about this, contact us online, or call our general enquiries line on 0121 522 7007.

If you have concerns about the service, speak to your advocate. If you don’t feel able to do this, you can ask for a complaints leaflet or contact the service manager. You can get the managers details by contact You can also call our general enquiries line on 0121 522 7007. You might want to read our complaints procedure for more information about making a complaint.

If you’re not happy with how your advocate treats you, please contact the Referral Hub on 0300 7900 559 and they will pass on your complaint, or follow our complaints procedure. 

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