What we do
Our advocates support people so they have a say in important and often difficult decisions about their treatment and care. This includes support with arrangements that could impact on their independence and quality of life.
Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy
We can support people who aren’t able to make important decisions about their medical treatment, care, accommodation and some other circumstances – especially when they don’t have a family member or friend who can be there for them. When someone ‘lacks capacity’, we are in a position to represent their views to those who are working out their best interests.
Independent Mental Health Advocacy
Our specialist Independent Mental Health Advocates can support people who are detained under the Mental Health Act or are being treated outside hospital under a Community Treatment Order (CTO) or Guardianship, and those defined as ‘conditionally discharged restricted patients’. This includes helping someone understand their rights, ensuring those rights are defended, and that they can participate in decisions about their own treatment and care.
Independent Care Act Advocacy
When decisions are being made about the care and support someone needs, it’s really important they’re put at the centre of those decisions and have a voice, as they are the expert in their own life. If you’re not confident to speak up for yourself, if you’ll find it difficult to be fully involved, and you don’t have a family member or friend to help, a Care Act Advocate might be able to support you through the process.
NHS Complaints Advocacy
We can help someone make a complaint against any NHS-funded service. Perhaps you feel that a provider has not treated that person with sufficient respect, has given the wrong care or treatment, did not help quickly enough or did not do enough to help. Or you may feel that a service was taken away sooner than it should have been.
Relevant Person Paid Representative
We can support people who have been detained under Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (part of the Mental Capacity Act), if they don’t have a relative or friend to represent them. Being detained in this way means specific freedoms are removed from an individual in their best interests, and assessment has concluded that they are not able to make important decisions about their own care and treatment. An advocate will then keep contact with the ‘relevant person’ so they are, as far as possible, aware of their rights to challenge the decision.
Community advocacy
Community advocacy might be offered when advocacy isn’t assigned to someone as a legal right. As with all advocacy services, it can support people who are facing important decisions that impact on their quality of life and independence, or have long-term implications. It helps people who would have substantial difficulty advocating for themselves and don’t have a family member or friend to support them. This means difficulty understanding, holding, using or weighing up information, as well as communicating views, wishes and feelings.
We can help people express their views and wishes, and ask the relevant professionals for the things that are important to them. This might mean building skills and confidence, helping someone to explore what they want, and then finding an effective way to communicate these things. Self-advocacy skills can be particularly important if an individual is going through an assessment or review, or if they’re unhappy about their medication, care or something else.
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