I’m a carer/young carer and I’m struggling to look after my relative/friend.

Have you spoken to the social services department at Essex County Council? They can offer your relative/friend a Care Needs Assessment, which considers the support and services that might be useful to them. Just as importantly, social services can give you a Carer’s Assessment, so you get to speak about your needs and the support available to you.


You are going through a Carer’s Assessment and you’re struggling to understand the information you’ve been given, the options open to you, or you’re having problems communicating your thoughts, you could ask you care coordinator or social worker if you can use our advocacy services.

More about care and support needs



You’d like to gain confidence around speaking up for your rights, views and wishes, Rethink Advocacy runs self-advocacy support groups for people who care for relatives or friends. As a group member, you’ll get to hear other people’s experiences, share your own, and you’re likely to pick up skills and tips in communicating with others.

More about peer advocacy 

Self-help resources

Would you like some help to speak up for yourself and ask for the things that are important to you, or help someone you know with this?

View our resources

Self-help resources

Get support for yourself, a family member or someone you care for.

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