I’m on a Community Treatment Order (CTO). What are my rights?
The hospital managers responsible for your care should give you information about your rights if you’re being treated outside hospital under a Community Treatment Order (CTO). If they haven’t already shared this information, you could ask them for it. Alternatively, you could speak to the Mental Health Act administrator at the hospital, or your care coordinator.
You’re being treated under a Community Treatment Order (CTO), you have the same rights as anyone under the Mental Health Act. (You could refer to this document.) You have the right to have the conditions of your order in writing, as well as the support to understand these conditions. This means a legal right to speak with an Independent Mental Health Advocate, who can help you understand your situation, consider your options and join you in meetings. They can also help you to challenge decisions, including any CTO conditions you’re not happy with.
More about detainment under the Mental Health Act
You don’t think you should be on a Community Treatment Order, or you want to be discharged, you can ask for a Manager’s Hearing or apply to the Mental Health Tribunal. Your advocate can help you with this process. A family member – who will be referred to as your ‘nearest relative’ – will also have certain rights relating to your care and treatment, information and discharge.
Find out more about the Nearest Relative function
The role of an advocate
An advocate can help you understand the conditions of your CTO and the consequences of not following them. They can help you understand your rights and options, and support you when expressing your views and wishes to others.
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