Hackney advocacy service
c/o28 Albert EmbankmentLondon SE1 7GR View on map
Mon - Fri: 9.00am - 5.00pmSat and Sun: Closed
The Rethink Hackney advocacy service supports vulnerable people to make informed choices about the support, care and treatment they receive.
Our team of expert and compassionate advocates work with individuals to let them be as involved as possible in decisions that affect them. We will clearly explain their rights, the services available to them, and act on their behalf to allow their voice to be heard.
The situations in which someone needs the support of an advocate are diverse – from people detained under the Mental Health Act, to people deemed to lack the capacity to make decisions for themselves. This means our services are available, but not limited to, groups including:
- Adults with learning disabilities and autism
- People living with dementia
- Individuals experiencing mental illness or a brain injury
- People with physical and sensory impairments
- Young people in transition to adult services
- Mothers and babies
Our advocacy services include, but are not limited to:
Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy
When someone is deemed to lack the mental capacity to make certain decisions according to the Mental Capacity Act 2005, we can support them to understand their situation and make choices about the next steps.
Paid Relevant Person's Representation
If a person is subject to a Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding authorisation in a hospital or care home, it means decisions are made about their care without their consent. If they have no appropriate family or friend willing to act as their formal representative, our advocacy team step in as a Paid Relevant Person’s Representative.
Independent Care Act Advocacy
The Care Act 2014 places a duty on local authorities to ensure someone is at the centre of decision making around their care and support needs. Where the person has no one to support them in these processes, a care act advocate will promote a person’s wellbeing and independence. They will be able to assist with:
- A needs assessment
- A carer’s assessment
- The preparation of a care and support or support plan
- A review of a care and support or support plan
- A safeguarding adult enquiry
- A safeguarding adult review
Independent Mental Health Advocacy
If someone is detained under the Mental Health Act in the Borough of Hackney, or subject to a community treatment order or guardianship order, an advocate can explain their rights. If someone is accessing mental health services but are not on a section of the mental health act, they may still qualify for one of our other advocacy services.
Community Advocacy
Community advocacy in Hackney is currently open and we work alongside Choices. For more information about eligibility criteria for community advocacy please contact us.
What advocates can and can't do
An advocate can stand by you, and stand up for you, when important decisions are being made about your care, treatment and the way you live your life. They can help you understand your rights and options, and then support you in expressing your views and wishes to the relevant services. They can also speak up on your behalf if that’s what you want. People often work with an advocate when they’re going through some kind of assessment or review of their care or treatment.
What an advocate can help with
Get information and understand what it means
Explore your options and decide what you want
Contacting people, or contacting them for you
Express your feelings to others, or do this for you
Prepare for meetings, and support you at them
Stand up for your rights to get the services you need.
What an advocate can't do
Provide advice or emotional support
Make decisions for you without your input
Solve someone’s problems for them
Provide care or home support
Agree with everything a person says.
Read more about our work